Welcome to Lin's Tech Blog

Welcome to Lin's Tech Blog! This blog aims to share my original articles on computer software, VoIP, Linux and programming.

List of current articles:
1. Setting Up Your Personal Asterisk VoIP Server
2. Securing Your Asterisk VoIP Server with IPTables
3. Scripts for Auto IP Updates on Amazon EC2 or DigitalOcean
4. Ghost Blog Auto Setup with Nginx and ModSecurity
5. Install PBX in a Flash (PIAF) on a DigitalOcean Droplet
6. Calculating Your Google Voice Minutes Usage With Ease
7. Ghost Blog Auto Setup with Nginx and Naxsi
8. IPsec VPN Server Auto Setup with Libreswan
9. Using SSHFS to Share Folders between Your Servers
10. Check Your Server for Malware from SSH Attacks
11. IPTables GeoIP, Port Knocking and Port Scan Detection
12. Securing Your Server using IPSet and Dynamic Blocklists
13. Get Two Public IPs on an Amazon EC2 Instance for Free
14. Optimizing Nginx Config for Your Website

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